How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugin

How to Install CCcam on the ViX Image. Dreambox Enigma2 remotely How to install CCcam on a Dreambox with Gemini, How to install CCcam. How to install the latest CCcam files to. Nabilo/Dream Elite/Germini E2 Image Cams -It will connect to the internet and download a list of Cccam files to.

  1. How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugin Download
  2. How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugin
  3. How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugin Windows 10
  4. How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugin Free
  5. How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugins
  • This guide is intended to show how to install a plugin, softcam, skin or extension that comes packed as an ipk file on your enigma2 receiver. Most plugins, skins or softcams come packed inside a.ipk file. There are a number of different ways to install this type of file.
  • Im after CCcam 2.2.1 which is enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam. Once downloaded you need to transfer the enigma2-plugin-cams-cccam. file into the /tmp folder on the box like below. Then transfer your CCcam.cfg file into the /etc/ folder.

1- Download and install Putty

2- open putty .

3- typing host name : local ip address for box

4- Connection type setting : Telnet

5- Enter

6- Username and password entered ( user and pass : root )

7- Copy the command line we send you by email ( it looks like this ): wget -O /etc/enigma2/ “” && chmod 777 /etc/enigma2/ && /etc/enigma2/

8- Paste in putty ssh

9- Enter / Wait for it to be installed

Here is a tutorial on the installation and configuration of CCcam on the Vu+ decoder under a EGAMI image and CCcam.

For this tutorial you need.


AX UHD-51,

Miraclebox Micro
Miraclebox Micro V2
Miraclebox Mini
Miraclebox Mini PLUS +
Miraclebox Mini HYBRID
Miraclebox Twin
Miraclebox Twin PLUS +
Miraclebox Ultra




A CCcam subscription

If you do not have a CCcam subscription you can order it here

1- Installing the CCCAM

Press BLUE button

Next press YELLOW button to download plugins

Next select Softcams – With cfg press OK

select CCCAM-EMU

Choose Yes to confirm installation

Installtion with succes

press Exit

2. Copy of the CCCam subscription

– Launch WINSCP in the home window

File protocol: FTP

How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugin Download

Hot name: (ip address of your DM900 )

User name: root

Password: “empty” by default the root password in EGAMI is empty (no password)

After clicking on Login

Copy subscription files from your PC to the /etc path of your receiver.


How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugin




3. Starting CCcam

How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugin Windows 10

Press the blue button

How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugin Free

Choose OSCAM-EMU and press OK to start it

How To Install Cccam On Enigma2 Plugins

Please wait while starting OSCAM