No Skill Delay Hack Ragnarok Emblem

Skill Balance Update

Several classes get an update to their skills in this major update! Find your class below to check out what's been changed!

First Classes


No Skill Delay Hack Ragnarok Battle. Ragnarok Battle Offline. Ro Valkyrie Ragnarok Path of Heroes Hack Boss Battle 32K Skills No delay Home G. Definition of - senses, usage, synonyms, thesaurus. Online Dictionaries: Definition of Options Tips.

Here is a No Delay GRF that I have picked up. This is for those of you who play on a server that has an after delay on skills (usually on super high rate servers). This GRF will help you spam faster. To use this, there are two options. Edit your Data.ini with notepad. Change 0 = nodelay.grf and the following GRF files.

Download speedhack ragnarok online

• Hit increased by 2 per skill level
Increase Agility
• Attack speed increased per skill level
• Delay after attack reduced by 1%
• Max HP increased by 50 per skill level
Holy Light
• Fixed casting time and variable casting time reduced by 50%


Fire Bolt/ Cold Bolt/ Lightning Bolt
• Fixed casting time increased to 1.2 seconds (previously 0.88 seconds) starting at Level 10
• Variable casting time reduced to 3.2 seconds (previously 3.52 seconds) starting at Level 10
• Delay after skill heavily reduced
• Fixed casting time reduced to 1.5 seconds (previously 1.6 seconds) starting at Level 10.
• Variable casting time reduced to 4.5 seconds (previously 6.4 seconds) starting at Level 10.
Fire Ball
• Fixed casting time and variable casting time at Levels 1-5 is changed to match that of Level 6-10 (0.2/0.8 seconds, respectively)
• Delay after skill reduced to 0.7 seconds at every skill level
Soul Strike
• Delay after skill is 1.4 seconds on every skill level (reduced from 2.5 seconds to 1.4 seconds at Level 10).
Frost Diver
• Delay after skill reduced to 0.5 seconds (previously 1.5 seconds).


Crazy Uproar
• Skill now grants STR +4 and ATK +30 to the caster and nearby party members
• Fixed casting time increased by 0.5 seconds
• Variable casting time increased by 1 second
• Cooldown increased by 30 seconds


No Skill Delay Hack Ragnarok Emblem Download

Magnum Break
• Delay after skill reduced from 2 seconds to 0.5 seconds
• Cooldown increased by 2 seconds

2nd classes


No Skill Delay Hack Ragnarok Emblem Download

• Chance to destroy target's weapon increased
• Changes damage type from special melee physical damage to normal melee physical damage
• Changes damage formula
• Additional damage increases based on Potion Research skill level
Acid Terror
• Chance to destroy target's armor increased
• Changes damage type from special long ranged physical damage to normal long ranged physical damage
• Changes damage formula. New damage formula: (200 x skill level)%ATK
• Additional damage increases based on Potion Research skill level


Sonic Blow
• Attack motion removed
• Skill now deals 50% more damage against target who has HP lower than 50%. New damage formula: (200 + (100 x skill level))%ATK
• Cooldown increased by 1 second
Venom Splasher
• Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds (previously 12 seconds).
• No longer consumes Red Gemstone
• Damage increased. New damage formula :(400 + (100 x skill level))%ATK

Bard & Dancer

Melody Strike/Slinging Arrow
• Variable casting time reduced from to 0.5 second (previously 1.5 second)
• Delay after skill increased by 0.3 second
• Increases damage. New damage formula: (110 + (40 x skill level))%ATK x 2 hits
Music Lessons
• Delay after attack reduced by 1%) • Increases % MaxSP by 1% per skill level
• No longer gives bonus to song skills
Dance Lessons
• Increases CRIT by 1 and increases %MaxSP by 1% per skill level
• No longer gives bonus to song skills
Unbarring Octave/Dazzler
• Cooldown increased by 4 seconds
• Delay after skill reduced from to 0.3 second (previously 4 seconds)
• SP consumption of song skills reduced by 20%
• Delay after skill increased by 0.3 second
• Cooldown increased by 300 seconds
• Delay after skill increased by 0.3 second
• Cooldown increased by 60 seconds
Unchained Serenade
• Deals neutral property magical damage to enemies within 9x9 cells around the user. Damage Formula: (100 + (10 x skill level))%MATK
• Increases damage based on user's job level
• Can be used in PVP environment maps only
Magic Strings
• Variable casting time reduced by (2 x skill level)%
• Delay after skill reduced by (3 x skill level)%
Impressive Riff
• Increases attack speed of the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user
• Delay after attack reduced by 1% on level 1
• Delay after attack reduced by (1 + (2 x skill level))%) on level 2-9
• Delay after attack reduced by 20% on level 10
Song of Lutie
• Increases %MaxHP and incoming recovery rate of the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user
• Increases MaxHP by (9 + (skill level))% on level 1-9
• Increases MaxHP by 20% on level 10
• Increases incoming recovery rate by (2 x skill level)%
Perfect Tablature
• Increases Flee and Perfect Dodge of the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user
• Flee increases by +(18 + (2 x skill level)) on levels 1-9
• Flee increases by +40 on level 10
• Perfect Dodge increases by +1 on levels 1-2
• Perfect Dodge increases by +2 on levels 3-4
• Perfect Dodge increases by +3 on levels 5-6
• Perfect Dodge increases by +4 on levels 7-8
• Perfect Dodge increases by +5 on levels 9-10
Hip Shaker
• Has a chance to drain SP of the enemies within 9x9 cells around the user. SP draining: (10 + (2 x skill level))%. Success chance: (20 + (5 x skill level))%
• Can be used in PVP environment maps only
Slow Grace
• Reduces attack speed and movement speed of enemies within 9x9 cells around the user. Attack speed reduction: (3 x skill level)%. Movement speed reduction: (2 x skill level)% • The potency of skill depends on user's AGI and DEX
• Can be used in PVP environment maps only
Gypsy's Kiss
• Increases %MaxSP and reduces SP consumption of the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user
• Increases MaxSP by (9 + (skill level))% on levels 1-9
• Increases MaxSP by 20% on level 10
• Reduces SP consumption of skill by (5 + (1 x skill level))%
Lady Luck
• Increases CRIT and % of critical damage of the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user
• Increases critical damage by (2 x skill level)%
Focus Ballet
• Increases Hit of the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user. Hit + 4 x skill level
Mental Sensing
• Increases experience gained from killing monsters for the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user. Experience gained: (10 + (10 x skill level))%
Harmonic Lick
• Grants a random buff to the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user, one of the following:
-- Delay after attack reduced by 20%
-- ATK +20%
-- MATK +20%
-- MaxHP +30%
-- MaxSP +30%
-- All Stats +15
-- HIT +50
-- Flee +50
-- Reduces SP consumption of skills by 30%
-- Increases HP recovery by 100%
-- Increases SP recovery by 100%
Acoustic Rhythm
• Grants damage reduction against Earth, Water, Fire and Wind property and increases resistance to blind, frozen, petrified, stun, curse, sleep, silence to the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user. Property resistance: (3 x skill level)%. Status resistance: (5 x skill level)%
Power Chord
• Grants the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user the ability to cast spells without consuming Gemstones
Down Tempo
• All enemies defense within 9x9 cells around the user are reduced to 0
• Can be used in PVP environment maps only
Classical Pluck
• Inflicts confusion effect and curses all players (except user) within 9x9 cells around the user to be unable to use skill
• Can be used in PVP environment maps only
• Puts all enemies within 9x9 cells around the user to sleep
Battle Theme
• Increases ATK and DEF of the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user. ATK +(15 + (5 x skill level)). DEF +(15 x skill level)


Adrenaline Rush
• Delay after attack reduced by 10%).
• Hit per skill level increased - Hit + (5 + (3 x skill level))
Power Thrust
• Weapon destruction chance is removed
• Increases bonus damage on party members. 5% (level 1-2), 10% (level 3-4), 15% (level 5).


Grand Cross
• Fixed casting time reduced from to 0.5 second (previously 1.5 second)
• Variable casting time reduced from to 1 second (previously 1.5 second)
• Delay after skill reduced from to 0.5 second (previously 1.5 second)
• Cooldown increased by 1 second
• Self damage removed (HP cost on casting remains)
Shield Boomerang
• New damage formula: (80 x skill level)%ATK
Spear Quicken
• Delay after attack reduced by 10%


Land Mine
• Fixed casting time reduced to 0.3 second (previously 1 second)
• Variable casting time increased by 0.5 second
Claymore Trap
• Fixed casting time reduced to 0.3 second (previously 1 second)
• Variable casting time increased by 0.5 second
Blast Mine
• Fixed casting time reduced from to 0.3 second (previously 1 second)
• Variable casting time increased by 0.5 second
Blitz Beat
• Changed damage formula to increase based on player's AGI and DEX stats
• Auto Blitz Beat no longer splits damage among multiple targets


Bowling Bash
• Deals 2 hits of damage to enemies within a 5x5 cell space and knocks them back
• When a two-handed sword is equipped, the number of hits change based on number of targets:
-- 1 target : 2 hits
-- 2-3 targets : 3 hits
-- targets or higher : 4 hits
• Delay after skill reduced
• Cooldown increased by 1 second
Brandish Spear
• Changed damage type to long-ranged physical damage
• Damage formula changed: damage is increased depends on player's STR stat. New damage formula: (400 + (100 x skill level))%ATK
• Casting delay reduced.
• Delay after skill increased by 0.5 seconds
• Cooldown increased by 1 second
• SP consumption to increased to 24.
Two-hand Quicken
• Delay after attack reduced by 10%).
• CRIT and Hit per skill level increased, CRIT + (2 + skill level) and Hit + (2 x skill level)
Charge Attack
• Fixed casting time and variable casting time both removed
• Cooldown increased by 0.5 seconds


Knuckle and Fist Weapon Damage
• Knuckle and Fist weapons for Monks now do 100% Damage against Small and Medium targets, and 75% Damage against Large targets
Raging Trifecta Blow
• Trigger chance is 30% on every skill level
Raging Quadruple Blow
• This skill can only be used immediately after Raging Trifecta Blow or during Level 4 Root status and can be followed up with Raging Thrust. When used as a knuckle weapon, it hits the enemy 6 times with double damage
• Reduces SP consumption
Guillotine Fist
• When used in combo, the skill can be used when 1 Spirit Sphere or more remains
• Increases damage by 100% when 6 Spirit Spheres or more remains
• SP recovery penalty reduced from to 3 seconds (previously 10 seconds)
• Effect now lasts 10 seconds
• Effect duration is reduced to 2 seconds when used on Boss Monsters
Occult Impaction
• Slightly increases damage
• When used on target that user caught with Root, skill deals 50% more damage
Throw Spirit Sphere
• Consumes 1 Spirit Sphere regardless of skill level
• Slightly increases damage. New damage formula: (600 + (200 x skill level))%ATK
• When used on target that user caught with Root, skill deals 50% more damage
Spiritual Sphere Absorption
• Fixed casting time reduced from to 0.5 second (previously 1 second)
• Removes variable casting time


Magnus Exorcismus
• Fixed casting time reduced to 1 second (previously 3 seconds)
• Variable casting time reduced to 4 seconds (previously 12 seconds)
• Delay after skill reduced to 1 second (previously 1.5 seconds)
• Cooldown increased by 6 seconds
• Changes to deal damage to all race enemies
• Deals 130% MATK per hit (previously 100%MATK) to Demon/Undead races and Shadow/Undead property enemies
Mace Mastery
• Increases CRIT per skill level, CRIT + (skill level)
• Changes skill mechanism, reduces variable casting time, without limit count, of the user and nearby party members for 60 seconds. Variable casting time reduction : (5 + (5 x skill level))%
• Adds 0.5 seconds fixed casting time
• Adds 1 second variable casting time
• Delay after skill reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second
• Adds 30 seconds cooldown
Imposito Manus
• Changes skill mechanism: increases ATK and MATK to the user and nearby party members for 120 seconds. ATK and MATK bonus: (5 x skill level)
• Fixed casting time increased by 0.5 seconds
• Variable casting time increased by 1 second
• Delay after skill reduced to 1 second (previously 3 seconds)
• Cooldown increased by 30 seconds


Sightless Mind
• SP consumption reduced to 15
• Increases damage. New damage formula: (50 + (150 x skill level))%ATK
• When Sightless Mind hits target, target will take more damage from all sources by 30% for 10 seconds (15% on boss monsters)
Back Stab
• Automatically moves player to target's back to attack. Can't be used while Hiding
• Damage occurs twice when using Daggers
• Skill accuracy increases based on skill level
• Cooldown increased by 0.5 second
• Delay after attack reduced by 1% per skill level



No Skill Delay Hack Ragnarok Emblems

• Catalyst changed from to Blue Gemstone (previously Yellow Gemstone)
• Volcano increases both ATK and MATK
Endow Tsunami/Endow Tornado/Endow Quake/Endow Blaze
• Fixed casting time reduced from to 1 second (previously 3 seconds)
• Variable casting time increased by 1 second
• Catalyst changed to Indigo Point/Yellow Wish Point/Lime Green Point/Scarlet Point
• Elemental magic damage increased by 1% per skill level
• Skill failure removed
• Duration of level 1-4 changed
• Spells triggered by Hindsight will be based on Hindsight's Skill Level as indicated below:
-- Hindsight Level 1-3: Fire Bolt/ Cold Bolt/ Lightning Bolt
-- Hindsight Level 4-6: Soul Strike/ Fire Ball
-- Hindsight Level 7-9: Earth Spike/ Frost Diver
-- Hindsight Level 10: Earth Spike/ Frost Diver
• Spells will be triggered at half of Hindsight's Skill Level, unless the Skill Level of the triggered spell is less than half of Hindsight's Skill Level (example: If Hindsight is Level 8 and Fire Bolt is Level 6, Fire Bolt as cast by Hindsight will be Level 4)
• If the triggered spell level is less than half of Hindsight's Skill Level, the actual skill level will be cast (example: If Hindsight is Level 8 and Fire Bolt is Level 2, Fire Bolt as cast by Hindsight will be Level 2)
• The odds of casting a certain skill is double the Skill Level


Lord of Vermilion
• Fixed casting time reduced to 1.5 seconds (previously 1.68 seconds)starting at Level 10
• Variable casting time reduced to 4.5 seconds (previously 6.72 seconds) starting at Level 10
• Delay after skill reduced to 1 second (previously 5 seconds)
• Cooldown increased by 5 seconds
• Damage display changed from 4 bundles of 10 hits attack to 1 bundle of 20 hits attack
• Damage increased slightly. New damage formula: (400 + (100 x skill level))%MATK
Meteor Storm
• Fixed casting time reduced to 1.5 seconds (previously 2.4 seconds) starting at Level 10
• Variable casting time reduced to 6.3 seconds (previously 9.6 seconds) starting at Level 10
• Delay after skill reduced to 1 second (previously 7 seconds)
• Cooldown increased by 7 seconds
Storm Gust
• Fixed casting time reduced to 1.5 seconds (previously 2.4 seconds) starting at Level 10
• Variable casting time reduced to 6.3 seconds (previously 9.6 seconds) starting at Level 10
• Delay after skill reduced to 1 second (previously 5 seconds)
• Cooldown increased by 6 seconds
Jupitel Thunder
• Fixed casting time reduced to 0.5 seconds (previously 1.12 seconds) starting at Level 10
• Variable casting time reduced to 3.8 seconds (previously 4.48 seconds) starting at Level 10
Earth Spike
• Fixed casting time increased to 1.2 seconds (previously 0.56 seconds) starting at Level 5
• Variable casting time increased to 3.2 seconds (previously 2.24 seconds) starting at Level 5
• Delay after skill reduced to 1.4 seconds (previously 1.8 seconds)
• Damage increased to 200% per hit (previously 100%)
Heaven's Drive
• Fixed casting time increased to 0.8 seconds (previously 0.64 seconds) starting at Level 5
• Variable casting time reduced to 1.9 seconds (previously 3.2 seconds) starting at Level 5
• Delay after skill reduced to 0.5 seconds (previously 1 second)