Download Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia Easy Worship 2009

Jika easyworship di instal pertama kali yang ada hanya lagu lagu bahasa inggris sedangkan lagu rohani bahasa indonesia sobat harus menambahkannya secara manual. Daripada repot mengetik ulang daftar lagunya, berikut ini adalah cara memasukkan database easyworship terbaru: Apabila sobat belum punya aplikasinya silahkan Download Easyworship 2009. EasyWorship 2009 Full Version adalah software / aplikasi komputer yang berguna untuk membuat presentasi pada ibadah-ibadah di gereja (untuk menampilkan teks, video, atau lagu secara simultan lewat proyektor).Jadi fungsinya mirip dengan aplikasi Power Point di Microsoft Office. Hanya saja, Easy Worship ini punya kemampuan lebih baik dari Power Point.

BIMK (Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kini) Bible - Indonesian

IMC Brisbane

I am requesting for an Indonesian Bible with the BIMK translation - (Alkitab dalam Bahasa Indonesia Masa Kini).

This is an Indonesian translation of the Bible in day to day translation.

There is already a TB (Terjemahan Baru) translation in Easy Worship, however that one is more of a literal translation.

The one requested is an equivalent of CEV/GNT/NIV to an ESV.

This translation, published by the Indonesian Bible Society (Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia), was published in 1985.

Can contact the Indonesian Bible Society at

I've purchased the TB version.

Looking forward to buying the BIMK version.

11 CommentsSorted by Oldest First

Fred Callicoat

The Bible Society has been contacted and I am awaiting a reply from them.

IMC Brisbane

Hi Fred,

Thank you for your reply.


I have previously contacted LAI about 3 months ago.

Has there been any progress since?

If not, I can contact LAI again...


Thank you.


IMC Brisbane

Fred Callicoat

Yes, I would recommend contacting them again. They have not responded to our requests as of this time. Moving request to Not Taken.


IMC Brisbane

Hi Fred.

Free download lembaga alkitab indonesia

Thank you for your reply.

Apologies for the late reply from my behalf.

I've just contacted them and they said they have replied to the Easy Worship team.

Just for clarity, are you able to let me know what email address they ought to contact you on?

Thank you.


Daniel S.

Fred Callicoat

Hi Daniel, I spoke with one of their personnel this morning and things appear to be moving along again. It looks like a miscommunication on what we were trying to do with the BIMK caused the disconnect. Once I have more information, I will let you know.

IMC Brisbane

Thank you Fred :)
Glad to hear that the miscommunication has been sorted.

Download Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia Easy Worship 2009 Hip 2009 Free

Should the status of this Bible request be changed appropriately?

Thank you.

Download Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia Easy Worship 2009 Download


Daniel S.

Fred Callicoat

1 person likes this

IMC Brisbane

Thank you Fred.

Looking forward to hearing the good news :).

Have a blessed weekend.

Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia

Daniel S.

IMC Brisbane

Hi Fred/EasyWorship team,


Just wondering what's the latest status for this Bible translation version (BIMK)?

The status is Deferred since 11 months ago, and based on your definition,

Deferred = We have contacted the publisher and await their reply.

However, I recently contacted the Indonesian Bible Society (Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia), the publisher,

they said they've done everything what they needed to do on their part.

Are you able to indicate to if there's anything else they need to do in their part?
Looking forward in getting this translation into our EasyWorship :)

Download Alkitab Indonesia

Thank you so much for your assistance and help.
God bless.
Daniel S.

Fred Callicoat

Download Alkitab Bahasa Indonesia Easy Worship 2009 Torrent

Daniel, Yes thank you for reminding me. This Bible is now available for purchase on our site. You can also purchase and download the Bible within the EasyWorship software itself.

IMC Brisbane

Thank God! Thank you Fred for your help and your confirmation.
Will purchase it now.
God bless you and the EasyWorship team :)
Thank you so much for the help.
Daniel S.

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